Wants Positivity in Bedroom? Lets know about Vastu for bedrooms.

Vastu for bedroom is extremely important to bring tons of positive energy in your bedroom and helps you relax mentally and physically. many of us browsing many challenges in their life, so a bedroom may be a place which is useful for them to relax completely. consistent with Vastu experts, the sleeping position within the main bedroom should be the south or the west. The bed should be placed against the wall up the south or the west in order that your legs point towards the north or the east once you lie .

Vastu Shastra for bedrooms comes with many guidelines that require to be followed during a proper way:
The sleeping direction consistent with Vastu is towards the South.
According to Vastu, avoid a mirror ahead of your bed because the view of one’s sleeping body during a mirror isn’t so good. Just cover the mirror facing your bed with a cloth, in order that it doesn’t reflect you and your bed.
According to Vastu, the colors that are suitable for the bedroom are light rose, grey, blue and green.
The West or Northside is suitable for an attached bathroom, changing room or bathtub etc.
Do not have any bedrooms within the North-East direction as this is often the place for deities and if a bedroom is present during this site then one faces many mishaps and sickness within the family increases.
If we point our head towards the North while sleeping we feel distressed by the electromagnetic waves coming from the North, therefore leads to headache and body ache within the morning.
In a number of the cases, your bed is pointed towards the rest room wall. Bed adjoining the rest room wall again gives you health problems because it receives negative energy.
Vastu bedroom tips say that plants, fish aquariums or the other life forms aren’t to be kept in bedrooms.